Address capitalist monopoly in food supply crisis
NORHASPIDA YATIM29 Nov 2022 05:05pm

Sulaiman while debating the 2023 Supply Bill during the State Assembly at Wisma Darul Iman, on Tuesday.
Pengkalan Berangan assemblyman, Sulaiman Sulong said the role of government agencies and state government subsidiaries is important to ensure that the issue can be addressed effectively.
"The turmoil caused by capitalists and big corporations has created a food crisis on oil supply, eggs and others, this needs to be handled wisely by the government.
" Effective economic planning should also be mobilised to reduce the poverty gap thus achieving full employment and optimal economic growth," he said when debating the Supply Bill 2023 at the state assembly here on Tuesday.
He explained that the government's plan to implement the Permanent Food Production Park (TKPM) programme for youths were among the efforts that needed to be implemented immediately to produce a high impact.
Sulaiman said that optimal land use and the construction of competitive infrastructures are necessary to prevent them from being abandoned and thus not providing returns.
"Youths who are interested in getting involved in this industry need to be trained with facilitators by the government and related agencies.
"The provision of new, more sophisticated agricultural sites is in line with current technological developments as most locals make agriculture a source of life," he said.
In the meantime, Sulaiman said the need to develop the agricultural sector is not just about being self-sufficient, but rather it is important to make it a hub for domestic production as well as exports abroad.
He said it coincided with the allocation of the RM29.18 million given to the agriculture sector in the 2023 Terengganu Budget.
"The government needs to manage and guide so that the people make the most of it. As a result, the poverty rate and economy rate can be improved." he said
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