Fun fair mishap: Victims traumatise, will never go on 'Sotong Ride' again

14 Dec 2022 05:50pm
Noraziera (right) with her mother (left) and her brother when met at her home in Kampung Bukit Kuching, here, on Wednesday.
Noraziera (right) with her mother (left) and her brother when met at her home in Kampung Bukit Kuching, here, on Wednesday.

KUALA SELANGOR - The two siblings who fell from the 'Sotong Ride' at the fun fair in Puncak Alam on Monday admit to being traumatised by the event.

Noraziera Zulkiffle, 31, and her brother Shahfaraz Aiefan Zulkiffle, 11, said that the incident still haunt them, with the former said she could not forget the sound of the metal safety bar right before the incident.

"I'm sick of it and I don't want to go on that ride ever again however, I am still grateful we are still alive," she said when met at her home in Kampung Bukit Kuching, here, on Monday.

Noraziera recalled the incident and said she arrived at the fun fair with her siblings and her husband around 8.15pm.

"As soon as I arrived, I bought the tokens and went to the ‘Sotong Ride’.

"While the ride was spinning in the air, I felt excited and on the third round it moved faster however, in the blink of an eye the safety barrier broke.

"The impact caused us to be flung out of the ride and I had hit my head on the ground and my left leg was swollen while my brother's face was bleeding and his left eye suffered some injuries," she explained.

Noraziera said at the time she could only pray that she did not suffer any major injuries while Shahfaraz groaned in pain.

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"We were brought by an ambulance to the Shah Alam Hospital and received treatments there for a day before we were able to be discharged on Tuesday.

"Until now, I am still suffering pains on my head and left leg while my brother was unable to open his left eye properly," she said.

She stated they had not discussed anything with the organisers of the fun fair regarding the incident.

"It was a coincidence that when I was at the Kuala Selangor District Police Headquarters (IPD) I met the organiser and I was given a contact number to discuss the matter," Noraziera explained.

The mother of the two siblings Faizah Mat Sam, 52, said the family would still continue their intention to take legal actions towards the organiser.

Faizah said the matter should not be left as was because it involved negligence on the part of the organisers who understandably did not get approval from local authorities.

"We are determined to take legal action because for me, it was a serious matter especially since it involved people’s lives which cannot be traded with money," she said.

In the incident, a passer-by was also reported to be injured by it.

Sinar on Wednesday reported two siblings who fell from the fun fair ride intended to take legal actions.

The incident on Monday had Noraziera and her brother sustained injuries after they fell off the ride in Puncak Alam.

The Kuala Selangor Municipal Council (MPKS) confirmed that the fun fair in Puncak Alam had operated without approval and licence from the local authorities.

Its director Rahilah Rahmat said the organisers had submitted applications for the entertainment activity license several times but their applications were found to be incomplete.

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