Ismail Sabri, Mahdzir's link to 'London Move' a hype, says aide

04 Jan 2023 10:43pm
Ismail Sabri, Mahdzir Khalid - Bernama pic
Ismail Sabri, Mahdzir Khalid - Bernama pic
SHAH ALAM - Allegations oftwo Umno vice presidents, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob and Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid involvement in the ‘London Move' is a hype and needs to stop, said an Umno Youth exco.

Muhamad Nur Aizat Noor Azam said that the allegations were baseless.

He said Ismail Sabri was on holiday with his family in Abu Dhabi and in Dubai while Mahdzir Khalid was on holiday with his family in London.

"I am Mahdzir's right-hand man (or former right-hand person), and I haven't even met him; I don't even have time to talk, let alone organising political movement like ‘London Move’.

"It's just a hype," he said in a Facebook posting.

"If he doesn't see me, he won't see anyone else," he added.

The alleged ‘London Move' involving several political leaders, including Umno and opposition leaders are said to be in an attempt to topple the unity government.

The movement allegedly held a secret meeting in London recently and is said to be organising a movement to realign the country's politics.

Nur Aizat added that he was surprised because slander was base on assumptions with incorrect facts.
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"If the ‘London Move’ involves other people, wallahualam, I don't know. If it involves Ismail Sabri and Mahdzir, please erase the memory because the fairy tale is completely untrue.

"The facts have to be correct. I wrote this because I was disgusted. I was disgusted to see so many people talking about the London Move and trying to associate two leaders I know well," he added.

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