Six Skin Dessert products free from harmful content, says company

21 Dec 2022 01:40pm
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Ailezee Rich, the manufacturer of Skin Dessert cosmetic products, has taken legal action by sending a Claim Letter on Dec 7, 2022 7 against the Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) following the issue that went viral on social media platforms recently.

This issue began on Oct 4, 2022 when Skin Dessert founder Zirra Abdullah and Skin Dessert managing director Mohd Aliff Abd Kadir uploaded their photos in front of the SIRIM building with the aim of proclaiming Skin Dessert is in process of conducting product testing with SIRIM.

Skin Dessert through the appointed agent Abam Peah Holdings, made two payments to SIRIM to conduct two types of tests namely Skin Irritation Test and Product Effectiveness Test of 'Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizers' product.

Following the picture uploaded, SIRIM through its official social media account left a comment: "SIRIM Berhad would like to affirm that SIRIM Berhad never carried out any testing of Skin Dessert products. For any questions regarding the testing of cosmetic products, please contact [email protected]."

The comment by SIRIM prompt the viral issue with Skin Dessert product resulting in Zirra and Aliff receiving various criticisms from netizens for two months thus damaging the reputation of the business as well as emotional distress for Mrs. Zirra and Mr. Aliff as they were forbidden from making a statement regarding the issue.

In fact, SIRIM's comment was clearly contradictory considering Skin Dessert applied for product testing and sent the product samples to SIRIM on Sept 8, 2022.

Product testament by SIRIM

SIRIM, then, through a letter dated Oct 26, 2022 informed that they had to cancel the testing application of the product sample sent by Skin Dessert. Payments made for both tests will be refunded to Abam Peah Holdings as an intermediary for Skin Dessert and SIRIM.

Following on the comments and cancellation letters made by SIRIM, Abam Peah Holdings company requested a meeting with SIRIM to discuss the issues that arose.

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The meeting took place on Nov 2, 2022 and among the things discussed was Skin Dessert's request for SIRIM to apologize and explain the actual situation that occurred where Skin Dessert has submitted an application and paid SIRIM to carry out two (2) tests which are Skin Irritation Tests and 'Skin Dessert Repair Moisturizer' Product Effectiveness Test.

SIRIM agreed to proceed testing for 'Skin Dessert Repair Moisturizer' as planned. On Nov 16, 2022, the test reports for the product has been issued by SIRIM. The results of the test report from SIRIM stated that 'Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer as: “Under the condition of this test, Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer is considered as NON-IRRITANT (NI) to in vitro skin LabCyte EPI-Model 24.

Skin Dessert, currently, still gives SIRIM an opportunity to clarify all claims submitted since the lawyer representing SIRIM is still in the process of waiting for further instructions and SIRIM's response regarding Skin Dessert claims as notified through letter dated Dec 14, 2022.

SIRIM's re-clarification is important considering the comments made by SIRIM on Mrs. Zirra's social media are intentional statements that does not reflect the actual situation to the public.

Statements made by SIRIM have raised doubts that do not describe the actual situation that happened to the general public. That action has potentially caused defamation damaging public reputation, integrity, and trustworthiness in general by stockists, agents, and users of Skin Dessert.

The agency's statement caused the community to have the perception that Skin Dessert has a hidden agenda and the Skin Desserts brand is untrustworthy.

The product has been discontinued for so long

For the public's information, the product 'Skin Dessert Moisturizer Treatment' which was canceled by the Malaysia Health Minister (KKM) in October 2022, has stopped its production and its final production was in December 2021.

Skin Dessert has removed 'Skin Dessert Moisturizer Treatment' from the market and discontinued production in December 2021 through an online MEMO posted via Skin Dessert's official accounts.

The product 'Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer' is a brand new product that replaced 'Skin Dessert Moisturizer Treatment' which was the product sent to SIRIM for safety testing.

Restructuring plan

Through a Long Term Restructuring Plan of Skin Dessert, all products will be gradually sent for laboratory tests starting with 'Skin Dessert Repairing Moisturizer'. Skin Dessert also sent six products for laboratory testing at the Malaysia National Poison Center Universiti Sains Malaysia.

The results of these test show all products sent classified as Not Detected or tested free of heavy metal content. Product testing was carried out in the Poison Center Toxicology Laboratory.

Because the Malaysia National Poison Center Universiti Sains Malaysia provided terms and conditions that must be adhered to by Skin Dessert, the test results cannot be shared publicly.

People can however check the results of these tests by contacting the PRN Toxicology Laboratory using the reference number PRN2022/581-587 for test validation.

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