The Palestinian Diaries: How 'The Prisoners' Diaries' started


26 Jan 2023 09:00pm

Coming from the land of prophets, the stories of Palestinian prisoners under Israeli occupation are rarely heard by the people outside of the country.

The prisoners’ personal experiences under Israel’s military occupation needed to be heard by the public to raise awareness of their plight.

In her books “The Prisoners Diaries” (2013), “Dreaming of Freedom - Palestinian Child Prisoners Speak” (2016) and “A Shared Struggle” (2021), author and social activist Puan Sri Norma Hashim conveyed the accounts by former Palestinian prisoners of Israel.

The books came to the light with the help of author Yousef M. Aljamal who translated the stories dictated in Arabic to English.

In Sinar Daily’s first podcast entitled “The Palestinian Diaries: How The Prisoners’ Diaries started”, Norma and Yousef with our host Athira Aminuddin talked about how they came up with the moving series of first-person commentaries on what Palestinian prisoners have been enduring for decades in the dark recesses of Israeli’s unlawful and inhuman network of prisons.

Join our podcast session with hopes to shine a light on the stories and plight of Palestinian prisoners.

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