Parliament to focus on foreign fishermen encroachment, foreign workers entry today
15 Feb 2023 09:10am

The Dewan Rakyat will convene for 29 days till March 30.
Based on the Order Paper available on the Parliament website, the issue of foreign fishermen encroachments will be raised by Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary (PN-Pengkalan Chepa) in a question to the Minister of Home Affairs.
Ahmad Marzuk wants to know about the government's efforts to overcome issues affecting the income of local fishermen and the encroachment on the country’s sovereignty.
Also listed is Lim Guan Eng's (PH-Bagan) question to the Minister of Human Resources regarding the government's efforts to accelerate the entry of foreign workers, the expected time frame for the government to tackle foreign workers shortage and the relaxation provided to employers.
Che Mohamad Zulkifly Jusoh (PN-Besut) wants to know whether the government intends to give one-off cash assistance to rubber tappers who are affected by the year-round rainy days and the factors that cause low rubber prices through a question to the Minister of Rural and Regional Development.
Apart from that, Dr Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen (PH-Kuching) will raise the issue of overcrowding in the Emergency Department of hospitals across the country and the government’s plans to resolve it through a question to the Minister of Health.
The Parliament sitting today will also witness the House continues its debate on the motion of thanks to the royal address.
The focus will also be on the presentation for the first reading of the Quranic Text Printing Bill (Amendment) 2023.
The Dewan Rakyat will convene for 29 days till March 30. - Bernama
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