Flexible haj packages will help reduce costs - Ismail Sabri
KUALA LUMPUR - Former prime minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has suggested for the Tabung Haji (TH) board to review their Haj timings following the increase in costs of the pilgrimage.
Ismail Sabri said four Haj duration packages could be introduced which were set to 14, 21, 30 and 40 days.
"This measure would not only save costs but could attract many individuals to perform one of the five pillars of Islam.
"The time period is also shorter and could benefit individuals who have businesses or who are tied to work commitments," he told the Dewan Rakyat during his debate on the motion of thanks on the royal address.
The Bera MP said TH estimated there will be an increase in Haj costs from RM25,540 last year to RM31,870 this year.
He said among the main factors of the increase in Haj costs is the inflation following the global economic impact (such as the Russia-Ukraine war), increase in oil prices, logistics post-Covid-19, tax and others.
"Assuming the 2022 Haj fee rule is maintained this year, which is RM10,980 for the B40 group and Rm12,980 for the M40 group, the TH surcharge will increase to RM20,890 and RM18,720 respectively. TH is forced to bear the high subsidy," he said.
Ismail Sabri said the Haj financial aid fund comes entirely from investment profits generated by TH.
"The balance of the fund is important as it directly affects the financial assistance," he said.
He requested the government to consider revising and re-drafting the Tabung Haji Act 1995 to improve it as it is too old and irrelevant.
He said for example, there was no provision for Syariah ( islamic law) compliance and good governance offered in the Tabung Haji Act even though TH is required to comply with Syariah law.
"Improvements to the act is necessary for governance, monitoring and regulation to ensure that funds amounting to RM88 billion can be managed well .
"The Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) Act has been improved while the Tabung Haji Act has yet to be improved," he said.
Ismail Sabri explained the suggestion for the Tabung Haji Act to be revised and improved was recommended in the middle of 2021 by the past government and cabinet.
"The Royal Commission of Inquiry suggested that the Tabung Haji Act 1995 should be revised and improved.
"I request an explanation from the government on the latest developments and the target date for the implementation of the proposed amendments to the Tabung Haji Act 1995," he said.
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