Drive, desire will lift Umno up again, says Shahrizat

06 Mar 2023 03:43pm
Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil

​​​​​​KUALA LUMPUR - Many may say Umno is at its weakest with no future as the green wave’s influence spreads among Malaysian youths, but former Umno Wanita chief is not taking this lying down.

Outspoken Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said this is an exciting time for Umno, with room for rejuvenation within its members.

"Umno and Wanita Umno must rise like the phoenix and we have that drive and desire. When you have hit rock bottom, the only way is up but you must have strong hands to pull yourself up," she told Sinar Daily.

The former women, family and community development minister said she believes in the struggle of the party.

"If we have proper leadership, and you (women) assertively claim your power – as the metaphorical mother of the nation – and exercise that leadership with wisdom and care, there is a very good chance for Umno regaining the trust of the people again.

"For me, Wanita must regain its strength as the backbone of the party," she added.

Shahrizat will be contesting for her former post in the party against incumbent Datuk Seri Noraini Ahmad.

Shahrizat first became the Umno women’s wing chief in 2009 but chose not to defend her post in the 2018 Umno polls, saying she wanted to let younger members lead. She then passed the seat to Noraini to be her successor.
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If Shahrizat wins

Asked on her first order of the day if she wins the top Wanita seat, she said: "whoever wins must re-look at all of our divisions and branches to re-energise them and to start re-skilling them with the necessary skills required to be competitive and succeed in today’s changing political landscape."

Shahrizat said they must look at and address the barriers that hinder women’s effective political participation.

“To remain relevant, Wanita Umon must be able to contribute in ways that are unique to us; we must build on our strengths and look at enhancing and strengthening pathways for emerging leaders into leadership positions, " she said.

"It’s a totally new landscape, and I want to help ensure that Wanita Umno is able to navigate this transition and embrace these changes," said Shahrizat.
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