Zahid says unaware of RoS viral letter on uncontested top two positions

07 Mar 2023 10:52pm

KOTA KINABALU - Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says he has no knowledge of a viral letter claiming that the motion for two top party positions not being contested was invalid.

He said this after attending the Umno Supreme Council, Wanita Exco and Puteri movement Exco candidate introduction ceremony, here.

“I didn’t know about the viral letter,” he said briefly, today.

However, he confirmed Umno Secretary-General have received a letter from the Home Ministry.

“It provides legitimacy of the 2022 Annual General Meeting which has brought the proposal for the top two positions to be uncontested,” he added.

“This was after the permanent chairman followed all the regulations in the meeting including at the Supreme Council, Zahid added.

He said the same goes towards drafting the party constitution which includes Article 9.3 and 9.4 which interprets all posts must be contested.

However, he said the motion was presented in the highest body in the Umno Constitution during general meeting.

“The general meeting has made the validity was done by the permanent chairman in accordance to the party constitution," he added.

Zahid further said the letter under Societies Act 1996 Article 70 authorises the Home Minister to provide validity to the regulations.

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“In this matter, the minister holds the primary power to decide the validity of the 2022 Umno AGM,” he said.

The RoS letterhead claims it was sent to Zahid on March 2.

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