Thai Hot Guy causes concern during Ramadan

22 Mar 2023 07:23pm
Saifuddin Nasution during his speech at Home Ministry Monthly Assembly in Putrajaya on Wednesday.
Saifuddin Nasution during his speech at Home Ministry Monthly Assembly in Putrajaya on Wednesday.

PUTRAJAYA - The Home Ministry (KDN) will look into the 'Thai Hot Guy' show which is said to take place in Kuala Lumpur at the end of this month.

Its Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said any activities or shows being organised needs to consider the sensitivity of the society here which is made up of various races and religions

"The Home Ministry will identify the facts, about who (the organiser) is, which party gave approval, whether it was the local authorities or any party," he said in a press conference after KDN Monthly Assembly today.

Saifuddin was asked to comment on several parties' insistence including Pas and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) who wanted the government to cancel the 'Thai Hot Guy' macho show on March 30.

Saifuddin also stressed any activities that is of a concern to a particular race in this country should not proceed, especially in the month of Ramadan.

" AS we are entering the holy month of Ramadan it is best not to hold such shows

"During this month its best for us to take the opportunity to strengthen mutual understanding, respect and not to cross sensitive 'territories that could trigger (religion) sensitivity," he said.

In the meantime, he assured the public that the authorities will conduct an investigation about the event.

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"The matter should be examined by the relevant authorities. tet the party concerned conduct an investigation," he explained.

Meanwhile Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) also strongly criticised the Thai Hot guy show that will be held on March 30th at Privacy Tun Abdul Razak.

AMK Religious Department Ashraf Hadi said the organisation of such programmes during Ramadan was affecting the sensitivity of the community

He said for whatever reason, the programme needs to be stopped.

He said although Malaysia Madani upholds the value of freedom, there are limits to it and we have to respect each other.

"The value of respect is gone as this programme is against the society's norms, culture and erodes the value of wisdom which is the backbone in forming the Malaysia identity.

"Agents who are a threat to this identity must be tackled without compromise," he said in a statement today.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar said the show was rresponsible and disappointing.

He said the show is against the teachings of Islam and the morals of this country.

"The organisation of such event is so disappointing and irresponsible especially when Muslims are welcoming the holy month of Ramadan which is supposed to be filled with pure and honorable activities ," he said in a statement on Wednesday.

He said the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department's (Jawi) has been instructed to carry out investigations about the event.

"As a religious authority in the Federal Territory, Jawi will not compromise with any act that is against the teachings of Islam and the enforced law," he said.

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