TikTok's commitment to safety continues to be strengthened with new Community Guidelines

23 Mar 2023 08:08am
TikTok's Community Guidelines.- TIKTOK
TikTok's Community Guidelines.- TIKTOK

SHAH ALAM - TikTok's commitment to safety continues to be strengthened with new Community Guidelines, which are the rules and standards that apply to everyone and everything on the site as part of the TikTok community.

TikTok’s Community Principles will assist users and the larger community in better understanding the decisions made regarding how the platform operates in order to keep TikTok a secure place for users.

These ideals are founded on TikTok's commitment to human rights and are in accordance with international legal frameworks.

These will also guide TikTok's content moderation decisions, allowing the platform to strive for fairness, safeguard human dignity, and find a balance between freedom of expression and preventing harm.Some of the key changes are:

1. Advancing our rules for how we treat synthetic media, which is content created or modified by AI technology;

2. Adding 'tribe' as a protected attribute in our hate speech and hateful behaviour policies;

3. More detail about our work to protect civic and election integrity, including our approach to government, politician and political party accounts.

TikTok's new Community Guidelines will go into effect on April 21 and will provide additional training to moderators to help them effectively implement these updated rules and standards.

TikTok has brought everything about their rules and standards into one place, taking previous comments into consideration, so that everyone from creators to researchers can get what they need. Rules and guidelines are now thematically organised into various topic areas such as behavioural and mental health.

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TikTok have also laid out the four pillars for their approach to moderation:

1. Remove violative content;

2. Age-restrict mature content, so it is only viewed by adults (18 years or older). However, the content must still abide by TikTok's Community Guidelines;

3. Make content ineligible for recommendation in the For You feed that isn't appropriate for a broad audience;

4. Empower TikTok's community with information tools and resources to stay in control of their experience.

Today's update to TikTok's Community Guidelines also expands on their enforcement strategy by:

1.Sharing more information about the actions that the platform takes against accounts that violate their rules, following their update earlier this year, and clarifying that they do not allow the use of multiple accounts to intentionally bypass the platform's rules or their enforcement.

2. Explaining the considerations that TikTok takes into account when they enforce their rules based on public interests, and the platform's approach to content that critiques public figures.

3.Including more detail about how TikTok uses informational labels, warnings, and opt-in-screens.