Move to extend e-wallet aid to varsity students shows govt values student voice

09 Apr 2023 05:43pm
For illustration purpose
For illustration purpose
KUALA LUMPUR - The decision to extend the 2023 e-Wallet assistance to all eligible university students shows that the government realises the importance of student voice and that the group needs assistance regardless of their age.

National Student Consultative Council (MPPK) secertary-general Rasydan Mohd Hassan said that the initiative was relevant in line with the intake of university students who are not only 18 to 20 years old, as some are beyond that age.

"If we only classify students under a few age groups, it may not be fair to those who are undergraduates and do not belong to the age group," he told Bernama.

Rasydan said that the RM200 assistance could to some extent ease the financial burden of students in higher learning institutions.

Meanwhile, International Islamic University of Malaysia student union president, Aliff Naif Mohd Fizam, said by extending the aid, the government has taken an inclusive approach to guarantee the welfare of student.

"This initiative shows that the government does not discriminate against students who are in need," he said

Aliff Naif said university students have no income and their study period requires at least four years, therefore the decision to widen the recipient group would be able to help more people.

A Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Hotel and Tourism Management student, Siti Sarah Zulkifli, 24, said the government's decision could benefit more students including those who are married like her.

"I got married two months ago and my husband, who is 24, is in the final year of his degree course. When the government announced the RM200 aid we were relieved and thankful as we need the additional funds for our studies and other needs.
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On April 7, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that the government has extended the 2023 e-Wallet aid to all eligible university students in the country, to ensure the aid benefits the group concerned.

The issue was raised by a student representative who found that under Budget 2023, the e-wallet aid was limited to those aged 18 to 20, causing those aged 21 to 23 to miss out on the benefit.- BERNAMA

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