Crossword Puzzle Challenge: Yayasan Selangor’s bid to highlight importance of current issues among schools students

27 Apr 2023 06:46pm
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SHAH ALAM - Current issues and world events is not always a teenager’s cup of tea but Sinar Daily together with Yayasan Selangor is here to make a difference via the Crossword Puzzle Challenge.

The challenge will be held at the first-ever Karnival Pendidikan Sinar Bestari on May 10, welcoming secondary school students to join in on the fun and games.

Yayasan Selangor chief executive officer Eddie Ahmad Khodzali expressed their hope for students to be responsible Malaysians who are aware about the current issues happening across the nation and worldwide on top of local history and cultural topics.

He said it was not only crucial for students to be aware but also informed and responsible citizens.

"Being aware of current events allows children to understand the world around them including the issues that affect their communities, the country and the world as a whole.

"This awareness helps children develop critical thinking skills, empathy and a sense of social responsibility. It also helps them to develop their own opinions and beliefs based on factual information rather than relying solely on the opinions of others," he told Sinar Daily.

Eddie added that this was the foundation’s first time participating in such event, a chance to meet with school students as well as their parents and school authorities in Selangor.

"The space provided by the organisers needs to be seized because it is one of the ways to promote the services offered by us," he said.

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Eddie added that this could be an opportunity for educational organisations to interact directly with students and parents and provide detailed information about the programmes and services available.

He said education carnivals would attract students and parents looking for information about educational institutions and programmes available thus this was a great opportunity for the foundation.

When asked about the best age to teach students about the history and cultural issues in Malaysia or the world, he said it should start from the very beginningh, as you g as pre-school.

Yayasan Selangor chief executive officer Eddie Ahmad Khodzali
Yayasan Selangor chief executive officer Eddie Ahmad Khodzali

"At this age, children are naturally curious and open-minded, and they are more receptive to learning about new ideas and concepts, including different cultures.

"Introducing children to diverse cultures from a young age can help foster their appreciation and respect for different cultures, promote cultural awareness and sensitivity, and develop their social skills and empathy.

"As children grow older, their ability to comprehend and analyse complex cultural issues also increases, so it is important to continue educating them about cultural diversity and history throughout their school years," Eddie added.

However, he further explained that the curriculum must also be age- and culturally-appropriate, and it must be delivered in a way that engages pupils and motivates them to learn more.

Besides the Crossword Puzzle Challenge, he encouraged students to participate in various other types of activities such as debates, cultural fairs, field trips, documentary screenings and cultural exchange programmes.

He said these types of activities would promote awareness and knowledge beyond a person’s typica realm.

He cited debates on current cultural issues, such as globalisation, cultural appropriation or the impact of social media on culture would further open the younger generation’s outlook on life.

He said Yayasan Selangor also organised debates and public speaking programmes in secondary schools with the aim of developing their critical thinking and communication skills.

The Karnival Pendidikan Sinar Bestari, in collaboration with the Selangor Education Department, will feature a variety of interesting activities in a three-day carnival starting from May 10 to 12 at the Kompleks Kumpulan Media Karangkraf.