Youths aspire to build nation beyond politics, religion, says MIC

14 May 2023 12:16pm
MIC Youth Chief, Raven Kumar Krishnasamy.
MIC Youth Chief, Raven Kumar Krishnasamy.

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian youths aspire to build a better nation that goes beyond politics and religion, says MIC Youth chief, Raven Kumar Krishnasamy.

He said today's youth are more focused on personal and national development rather than racial issues.

"Race is no longer a significant concern nowadays. Youths look at what the government can offer them in terms of the economy, opportunities in universities, and lifestyle choices.

"We aim to build a nation that goes beyond politics and religion," he said.

Raven said this in his speech at the Unity Government National Youth Convention held at the World Trade Center today.

He also emphasised the importance of having youth representatives from diverse races and religions.

The Youth Convention will focus on various youth-related topics such as opportunities offered by Malaysia Madani, education prospects and a robust economy.