Youths advised to vote in the upcoming state elections

09 Jun 2023 10:43am
picture for illustrative purposes - FILEPIC
picture for illustrative purposes - FILEPIC

SHAH ALAM - With the state elections just around the corner, the youth vote could again be a political game changer, but would they be as eager to vote as when they voted in the recent general elections?

Mohd Hafiz Adnan 47, said the upcoming state elections would be interesting, due to the so-called uprising of the 'malay voters'.

“To be honest whoever wins in their respective states, should be able to govern their state better than whoever governed previously, but if the same people are given the mandate then they should step up their game and be able to govern their respective states better than before.

“For the young generation, although they are still young, this is the time for you to think hard as our future and also the state's future depends on us, so choose wisely,” he said.

For bodyguard Roslan Ramli, 52 whose hometown is in Kedah, returning to vote in elections is a must as it is our responsibilities as Malaysians.

“My advice for the younger generation, especially those who are working in KL, if there are any general elections or state elections that require us to go back and vote, do return and cast your votes

“This would help us to perform our duty for the country to determine a better future for us and I hope the state election will be carried out with transparency as it will determine our future with the leaders that we chose,” he told Sinar Daily

Meanwhile for Mohammad Faizhal Mohammed Fauzi 30, who works in telecommunication, he hoped that the younger generation would cast their votes in the state elections just like they did in the general elections.

“Our future depends on your vote and it is up to you to vote which party or who we vote for and I hope the youths in Malaysia will go out and cast their vote as this is one of the ways to let Malaysia be progressive and developed,” he said.

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