Former Johor MB Hasni unfazed by claims of 'warlords' joining PN

15 Jun 2023 05:23pm
Simpang Renggam MP Datuk Seri Hasni Mohammad.
Simpang Renggam MP Datuk Seri Hasni Mohammad.

ISKANDAR PUTERI - Simpang Renggam MP Datuk Seri Hasni Mohammad did not dismiss the allegations that he was among the three Umno leaders labeled as warlords from Johor set to join Perikatan Nasional (PN) soon.

However, he said that he preferred to focus on his responsibilities as the people's representative rather than providing explanations that may not make sense.

“Yes, I know my name is within the three Johor Umno ‘warlords’, but I don’t care about the label given.

“Some asked me yesterday on the matter but I didn’t reply. I think the explanation would not bring any meaning,” he said when met after Johor State Assembly sitting, here. today.

The Benut Assemblyman and former Johor Umno chief further said it didn't make sense for Umno to provide an appeal process for those who had been suspended or dismissed if negative labels were assigned to them.

“This is not the time to label anyone. Especially when the government has a lot of plans to make us into a destination for investments. In addition, many efforts must be made to stabilise the government.

“It is not possible for the government to be stable if the party isn't. If there is something that can contribute to government stability, labeling individuals as "warlords," traitors, or parasites is not a constructive approach.

"I see the effort to provide an opportunity for appeal to those who have been sacked or suspended from the party. However, regardless of the method, it does not address the underlying issue. There is no benefit in giving negative labels to certain leaders," he said.

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Johor Umno secretary Datuk Abdul Halim Suleiman urged Umno members and leaders on Tuesday not to become parasites that would harm the party if they felt uneasy about its direction.

Previously, PN had announced that 10 Umno "warlords," including three from Johor would be joining the coalition ahead of the elections in six states.

Sources said all three were influential leaders and previously held important roles in Umno.