Land leasing issue needs to be clarified based on facts, says Kedah Sultan

18 Jun 2023 03:14pm
The Sultan of Kedah Al-Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah (centre)
The Sultan of Kedah Al-Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah (centre)

ALOR SETAR - The Sultan of Kedah Al-Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah has called for a fair and unbiased clarification of the leasehold status of Penang land based on factual evidence.

His Majesty stressed the importance of discussing this matter with reliable and accurate information.

The Sultan of Kedah believes that an academic study and organised presentation of facts would be beneficial as a point of reference for future generations.

"This is because history is a crucial source of wisdom, teaching us the art of nation-building.

"Quoting the words of former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, 'Study History. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.' Sir Winston Churchill spoke these words in the House of Common in the United Kingdom in 1948, stating, 'Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it,'" said His Majesty.

Sultan Sallehuddin said these in his royal address in conjunction with his 81st birthday celebration at Istana Anak Bukit on Sunday.

His Majesty highlighted that past events, where states faced difficulties and had to agree to biased deals, should serve as guidelines and reminders to exercise caution when making decisions and dealing with such matters.

The Sultan reminded that the fight to protect the rights and sovereignty of a state is no longer on the battlefield, as heroes in the past had faced, but rather on negotiation tables and through written agreements.

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"However, the bravery exhibited by past warriors, as recorded in the annals of history during the Perang Musuh Bisik in the 19th century, should serve as inspiration and appreciation for the present generation," said His Majesty.

Sultan Sallehuddin also pointed out that history cannot be separated from a nation's civilisation.

His Majesty added that Kedah has a rich history dating back centuries.

"Throughout the process of civilisational transition from one era to another, we have witnessed Kedah experiencing various events, including wars, friendships, negotiations, and agreements.

"As a result of these historical events and inter-state agreements, the Federation of Malaya, now known as Malaysia, was established," said the Sultan.

His Majesty noted that a federal government had been established at the central level to govern Malaysia, while existing state governments were retained.

"The authority vested in the federal government today is a gift bestowed by the states through the Malayan Federation Agreement signed on August 5, 1957.

"It is highly inappropriate to attempt to silence the voices of the people in this state, especially concerning the history and sovereignty of Kedah.

"The formation of Malaysia should not undermine the long-standing history of the state," said His Majesty.

Sultan Sallehuddin expressed his observation that discussions on the history of Kedah, particularly regarding the position of Kedah and Penang, have been gaining traction on various platforms.

His Majesty welcomed this development, stating that it was good news.

He expressed hope that the public's interest in learning the true history of Kedah and Penang will not be abruptly halted.

The Sultan also emphasised the importance of valuing and appreciating the state's history by all parties, as it holds significant value.

Sultan Sallehuddin conlcluded that history cannot be bought, but is forged through the sacrifices of blood and tears.

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