Jakoa brings services of govt agencies to Orang Asli in Pos Simpor, Pos Gob

20 Jun 2023 03:11pm
GUA MUSANG, June 20 - Some of the Orang Asli residents of the Temiar tribe registering their identity cards at the National Registration Department (JPN) counter at Pos Simpor. - BERNAMA photo (2023) COPYRIGHT RESERVED
GUA MUSANG, June 20 - Some of the Orang Asli residents of the Temiar tribe registering their identity cards at the National Registration Department (JPN) counter at Pos Simpor. - BERNAMA photo (2023) COPYRIGHT RESERVED

GUA MUSANG - The Orang Asli Development Department (Jakoa) continues to ensure the welfare of the Orang Asli communities in Pos Simpor and Pos Gob are not neglected by bringing in several government agencies to offer direct services to these interior settlements even though they are located more than 100 kilometres from town.

The agencies involved are the Social Welfare Department (JKM), National Registration Department (JPN), and the Health Ministry (MOH) which were brought in through the Outreach Programme and Kembara Mesra Rakyat to resolve some of the issues faced by the Orang Asli from the Temiar tribe.

The programmes, among others, focus on solving the issues related to registering births and obtaining identity cards.

Amat Angah, 52, from Kampung Keleg in Pos Simpor, said he is grateful to the government for being concerned for the welfare of those in the settlement.

"I have been waiting for such a programme because it is very hard for residents here to go to town as it is a far and challenging journey.

"Today, I managed to register my two-year-old grandchild's birth as my daughter had a home delivery,” he said when met by reporters in Pos Gob here.

Amin Along, 58, on the other hand, hopes more similar programmes will be held to ensure residents in the interiors can reap the benefits provided by the government.

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"I am excited that there is such a programme. Our community in the interior want to go out to the JKM and JPN offices but there are very far away, and sometimes we have to spend the night in Gua Musang town and all these definitely will involve high costs.

"I hope such programmes will continue to be held in future so that the Orang Asli community will not be left out from obtaining identity cards as well as birth certificates if there are home deliveries, and so that they can register with the JKM to receive welfare assistance, especially the deserving persons with disabilities (PwD),” he said.

Meanwhile, Kelantan/Terengganu Jakoa deputy director Roslina Bun said over 1,000 residents in both settlements had benefitted from the programmes which were held over three days.

"More than 23 identity cards and nine late registration of births involving residents from Pos Simpor and Pos Gob were successfully solved,” she said. - BERNAMA

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