Politically Frank: 'Time will tell' Salahuddin slams opposition for politicising Menu Rahmah

21 Jun 2023 09:00am
Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub
Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub

SHAH ALAM - Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub says it’s time to talk about the success of Menu Rahmah initiative, further criticising the opposition for politicising the government's initiatives.

He said as part of the Menu Rahmah initiative, the public can now have lunch and dinner for only RM5 per meal at about 15,000 food outlets across the country.

"I believe the opposition sees this as an opportunity but I believe time will tell the truth and Menu Rahmah will be accepted by the public.

"For example, KFC and Pizza Hut are on board. It shows that this is supported by businesses in our country," Salahudin told Sinar Daily’s Politically Frank segment.

Salahuddin said Menu Rahmah initiative will expand throughout the country and be implemented as a long-term plan.

The Pulai MP assured that he would strive to serve the people to the best of his abilities.

Reflecting on his six months serving at the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs ministry, Salahuddin said it has been challenging.

"Alhamdulillah, over the past six months, I have been able to work as a team with a dedicated team of officers. We will continue to serve the best to the rakyat," he added.

Salahuddin, the Amanah Deputy President further said his party is scheduled to hold its annual party convention this November.

"I believe that our party will realise the need to continue our efforts to ensure our survival in the future. With teamwork, our President, Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu, I as the Deputy President and others will work together for the betterment of Amanah," he said.

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