Report lodged over 'Protect Kedah from Allah's enemies' statement by preacher

26 Jun 2023 05:51pm
KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 - Pakatan Harapan (PH) Media Centre Mobilisation Bureau chief Captain Muhammad Yahaya showing the police report made against former Kedah Pas Dewan Ulamak deputy chief Syeikh Zainul Asri Mohd Romli at Dang Wangi District Police Headquarters (IPD) today. - BERNAMA photo (2023) COPYRIGHT RESERVED
KUALA LUMPUR, June 26 - Pakatan Harapan (PH) Media Centre Mobilisation Bureau chief Captain Muhammad Yahaya showing the police report made against former Kedah Pas Dewan Ulamak deputy chief Syeikh Zainul Asri Mohd Romli at Dang Wangi District Police Headquarters (IPD) today. - BERNAMA photo (2023) COPYRIGHT RESERVED

KUALA LUMPUR - Pakatan Harapan (PH) has lodged a police report against former Kedah Pas Dewan Ulamak deputy chief Syeikh Zainul Asri Mohd Romli following his speech during the Kedah Berselawat assembly last Saturday.

The report was lodged by PH Media Mobilisation bureau chief Captain (B) Muhammad Yahaya at the Dang Wangi District police headquarters (IPD) here this morning.

According to Muhammad, the report was made after Sheikh Zainul Asri said "May God protect Kedah from falling into the hands of God's enemies in his speech.

He said the phrase contained words of propaganda as if to say that only Pas and Perikatan Nasional are with Allah while the other parties are the enemies.

According to him, the phrase was uttered at a time when the state is preparing for the state elections and this was seen to be unhealthy and could instill hatred and encourage extremism among the people.

"We hope that the police will conduct an investigation immediately against the individual and prohibit the use of religion in the upcoming state election campaign," he said when met at the Dang Wangi IPD.

Muhammad said the use of religious references and rhetoric in politics must be stopped because it is feared that they could be misinterpreted and lead to violence and religious extremism adding that it was religious terms like jihad that led to the establishment of the Al Maunah group and the Memali tragedy. - BERNAMA

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