Anwar claims receiving threats from 'wealthy gangs'

30 Jun 2023 05:03pm
Anwar shaking hands with the public when attending the Qurban ceremony before joining the congregants for Friday prayers at Masjid Jamek An-Nur Guar Perahu, Seberang Perai Tengah on Friday.
Anwar shaking hands with the public when attending the Qurban ceremony before joining the congregants for Friday prayers at Masjid Jamek An-Nur Guar Perahu, Seberang Perai Tengah on Friday.

PERMATANG PAUH - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim reveals that he has received threats from 'wealthy gangs' because of his administration's objective to eradicate corruption and save the country from anyone who robs it of its wealth.

Anwar said he had no issues with the threats he received and was determined to defend the government's principle of fighting against corruption and misuse of power.

"I have received many threats; these wealthy gangs have now conspired together. I have no issues because that's their job. I will still fight to defend my principles," he said.

He was met during a Qurban ceremony before joining the congregants for Friday prayers at Masjid Jamek An-Nur Guar Perahu, Seberang Perai Tengah, here today.

Anwar said he was open to being criticised and open to being reprimanded if there were weaknesses in his administration, but he said not to spew slander without facts and fair assessments.

He admitted he may have some shortcomings as well as weaknesses and was prepared to be reprimanded.

"Politics is not slanderous. You can criticise me, as I'm not always correct. I have shortcomings that I may not know of; maybe I have weaknesses, but they should be expressed to me.

"But insults and slanders should not be thrown at anyone; it doesn't matter whether they are Chinese or Malay, in a coat or a kopiah," he said.

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He was responding to claims that the Malaysia-Indonesia Maritime border agreement that he signed with Indonesian President Joko Widodo on June 8 involving the water block was slanderous and untrue.

Anwar explained he did not sign any maritime agreement with Indonesia involving the Ambalat block following the disagreement by Indonesia, as they did not agree with Malaysia's claim.

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