Accused of paying Mondy Tatto, Caprice asked netizens to answer to God

19 Sep 2023 10:50pm
Caprice informed those who slandered her to keep the accusations to themselves until the truth was proven - PIC screen grab from Caprice's podcast
Caprice informed those who slandered her to keep the accusations to themselves until the truth was proven - PIC screen grab from Caprice's podcast

SHAH ALAM - Rapper and humanitarian activist Caprice has informed those who are accusing him to withhold their allegations until the truth is proven.

This comes after Mondy Tatto who was previously assisted by independent preacher Ustaz Ebit Lew, accused him of lewd behaviour through a podcast owned by Caprice leading some to accuse him of paying Mondy to share her story.

"To those who are insulting, cursing and accusing us of paying Mondy to fabricate stories, I want you to screenshot your comments. Frame them and set them aside in your prayer room.

"Insha- allah, one day when the victims get justice, you can revisit your comments and think about what you will tell God," he wrote on Instagram.

Meanwhile, some netizens expressed differing opinions on Caprice's actions in exposing these stories.

"Stop getting involved in other people's affairs. If he is truly guilty, he will receive worldly punishment, God willing. But if he is innocent, he may face false accusations.

“Sins against God can be forgiven, but sins against people, do you think it's easy to seek forgiveness? We all have our own sins, but it's good because God covers our flaws," Ameera_empire_ commented.

At the same time, Caprice was also advised not to interfere in other people's matters and not to focus on the wrongdoings of others.

"God covers our flaws, so we should not expose the flaws of others. If someone is wrong, it is not our job to judge them.

“Stop condemning people; we are not perfect enough to judge the goodness or badness of others," Kingzaherr commented. - AWANI

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