Meeting between Zahid, Orang Asli reps augurs well for the community

14 Oct 2023 05:40pm
The meeting between representatives of the Orang Asli community and Deputy Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (right) augurs well for the group in terms of development, infrastructure and economy. - BERNAMA
The meeting between representatives of the Orang Asli community and Deputy Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (right) augurs well for the group in terms of development, infrastructure and economy. - BERNAMA

GUA MUSANG - The meeting between representatives of the Orang Asli community and Deputy Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi augurs well for the group in terms of development, infrastructure and economy.

Kelantan Orang Asli chief Bidi Ronggeng led more than 20 villagers from several settlements to meet with Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Rural and Regional Development Minister (KKDW) to convey the wishes of nearly 16,000 Orang Asli in the state.

"We ask for the construction of an integrated transportation route to be expedited and received a response from the Deputy Prime Minister who wants the project to commence in January, which is two months earlier than the original date,” Bidi said, adding that they will no longer face any problems, especially during the rainy season once the project is completed.

He said this to reporters when met after the hand-over of Madani food baskets at the Galas Assemblyman service centre, today.

The village chief of Kampung Merlong in Kuala Betis, Ibrahim Marijah, 66, said he took the opportunity to request a solution to the water problem plaguing villagers living in the interiors, adding that he hoped the meeting would be a starting point for positive changes.

He said the Orang Asli community is still struggling to get a water supply that is fit for consumption.

"So, I hope the application to build a water supply system for the Orang Asli community especially those living in the Kuala Betis resettlement and the interiors who need (clean) water can be speeded up,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Department of Orang Asli Development (Jakoa) director-general Datuk Sapiah Mohd Nor said she was informed that contractors have been appointed to carry out projects to upgrade damaged and unpaved roads in Orang Asli villages in the district under KKDW with an allocation of RM200 million.

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"As mentioned by the Deputy Prime Minister, he will try to expedite the projects, and we hope this will become a reality because transportation and connectivity are significant concerns among the Orang Asli,” she added. - BERNAMA

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