Malaysian youths gain global recognition with pro-Palestinian Roblox demonstration

02 Nov 2023 09:25am
Ys Rizqiyyah (left) reacted to the viral pro-Palestinian Roblox videos by Malaysian teenagers and children.
Ys Rizqiyyah (left) reacted to the viral pro-Palestinian Roblox videos by Malaysian teenagers and children.

SHAH ALAM - Malaysian children and teenagers have garnered international attention by staging a pro-Palestinian demonstration within the Roblox computer game in recent days.

A video commentary by Indonesian YouTuber Ys Rizqiyyah highlighted Malaysia's global outreach with a humanitarian message, causing the video to go viral and spark discussions on various social media platforms. She commended the extraordinary ideas of Malaysian youth, which have the potential to inspire a global audience.

The commentary video by Ys Rizqiyyah, uploaded since Tuesday, has garnered 19,000 views from her 308,000 subscribers.

She praised Malaysia's pro-Palestinian solidarity and the remarkable humanitarian message it conveys to the world.

"Does Malaysia not invite other countries? In Indonesia it should be done like this too.

"Their idea is very good. The pro-Palestinian solidarity is incredible.

"The humanitarian message that we want to convey to the people of the world is great," the YoutTuber said.

On Oct 25, a 15-year-old student named Razz created an online video game server called "Dataran Mas" using the Roblox platform, employing an innovative technique.

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In support of this online solidarity, 32-year-old content creator Cikgu Zyd promoted the game among his friends.

Comments on the post indicate that many people have become more aware of the Palestine conflict due to the inventive efforts of these young Malaysians.

"Malaysia is gaining international recognition because of the virtual parade they organised.

"Their creativity is extraordinary and it has impacted the world. It's the best," X user @SeriMalaysia3562 said.

User @Acap-ip9mm noted that the video game platform effectively delivered a message to people worldwide and expressed being moved by the commitment of young Malaysians in raising the issue of Palestine.

"Unknowingly, tears flowed. Al-Fatihah for my brothers and sisters there," he wrote.

User @Saefaree3337 pointed out that even though the government may not allow children to participate in protests against Israel, they are still showing solidarity with the people of Gaza through the use of available technology.

"If other countries are unwilling to start, let our children begin their solidarity with Palestine through the Roblox game," Saefaree3337 stressed.

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