Four militant groups on Malaysia's radar


20 Nov 2023 10:18am
Despite the potential threats at a moderate level, ESSCom continues to enhance the level of security control. (ESSCOM PHOTO)
Despite the potential threats at a moderate level, ESSCom continues to enhance the level of security control. (ESSCOM PHOTO)

LAHAD DATU - The Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCom) has identified four militant groups within its radar: Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), Kidnapping For Ransom Group (KFRG), Islamic State Daulah Islamiah (ISDI), and Royal Security Force (RSF).

ESSCom commander Datuk Victor Sanjos takes these threats seriously, but there was currently no evidence of recruitment efforts or local support for these groups in the studied period.

"This is because the previous arrest of traitors taught the community a lesson,” he told Sinar in an exclusive interview recently.

He said potential threats were considered moderate, influenced by the serious and committed actions of the Philippines in tracking and neutralising these groups.

He added that the influence of the group in terrorist activities on the East Coast of Sabah has not been detected for the time being.

However, he said, ESSCom will never lower the level of security monitoring and information intelligence on the groups concerned.

"Based on the focus and activities of militants, there are 13 people on the wanted list.

"In addition, this year as of September, five suspects have been arrested including a woman.

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"Three suspects were convicted of financing terrorism in providing financial support to terrorists or organisations involved, while two suspects were supporters of the RSF group," he said.

Members of the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) on duty at Sipadan Island in Semporna on Sept 9, 2023. (BERNAMA PHOTO)
Members of the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) on duty at Sipadan Island in Semporna on Sept 9, 2023. (BERNAMA PHOTO)

Victor stated that ESSCom remains vigilant and actively monitors the security situation in the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone).

He said, ESSCom is the agency responsible for coordinating the operations of all enforcement, security and defense agencies in the ESSZone.

Commenting on ESSCom's actions in detecting the smuggling of subsidised goods, Victor said that his side took the matter seriously because it involved the leakage of national revenue.

On the smuggling of subsidised goods, he said ESSCom views it seriously due to potential revenue loss for the country. As of September this year, 120 cases involving a seizure value of RM13.2 million and the arrest of 87 individuals, including three linked to financing terrorism, have been recorded.

He said it was responsible for coordinating operations in ESSZone, controls approximately 1,700 square kilometers of coastline from Kudat to Tawau. To ensure the safety of ESSZone’s human resources, security assets (land and sea), and advanced technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), radar, and drones, are deemed necessary and continually enhanced.

He urged the public to avoid involvement in such activities, emphasising the potential dangers to lives, property, and national sovereignty. Victor encourages communities to report any information on militant activities or subsidised goods smuggling for immediate enforcement action.

Fishing boats are also not exempt from ESSCom inspections to ensure no threats or smuggling of subsidised goods take place. (ESSCOM PHOTO)
Fishing boats are also not exempt from ESSCom inspections to ensure no threats or smuggling of subsidised goods take place. (ESSCOM PHOTO)

ESSCom, established in 2013 after the Lahad Datu incident, operates under the Home Ministry and plays a crucial role in ensuring security in the designated areas of Sabah.

He said, ESSCom's preparedness to face various challenges was translated by the security forces through successfully dealing with kidnapping or any element of cross-border crime including smuggling around the operational area.