Sultan Johor’s pledge to combat corruption lauded, renew people's spirit

12 Dec 2023 09:52am
Rasuah Busters Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nurhayati Nordin
Rasuah Busters Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nurhayati Nordin

SHAH ALAM - Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar's vows to eradicate and fight against corruption in Malaysia takes a significant stride towards progressive recovery.

In a statement, Rasuah Busters Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nurhayati Nordin lauded the royal's move, highlighting the commitment to combat systematic corruption in the nation.

"Sultan Johor's dedicated focus on addressing corruption issues has spurred a renewed spirit among the people to fortify the #RasuahBusters movement in eradicating corruption across all levels of society.

"His role as the guardian of the nation serves as a booster to the people's efforts, ensuring an end to corruption, the preservation of economic and social stability, and the enjoyment of the rightful harmony and justice by the citizens," she said.

Norhayati further said the #RasuahBusters movement, with nearly 540 partners nationwide, has been a people-driven initiative working tirelessly for the past three years to instil awareness and advocate values of integrity and governance.

The collaboration of grassroots citizens in various anti-corruption initiatives had been pivotal in creating a collective momentum against corruption, she said.

"The recent 15th General Election (GE15) highlighted corruption as a 'war cry' across political parties, highlighting the public demand for a corruption-free political landscape.

"The current unity government's unwavering commitment to eradicating corruption is commendable, though effective checks and balances mechanisms and actions remain crucial," she added.

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Therefore, with the united support of the people and the royal, Norhayati said Rasuah Busters anticipated a swift purification of the nation from corruption and the restoration of its dignity.

In a recent interview with The Straits Times, Sultan Ibrahim vowed to eradicate corruption in Malaysia as one of his key priorities when he will be the Malaysia's King from Jan next year.

His Majesty emphasised that a stable government must have consistent, sustainable policies needed to improve the country's economy.

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