Zayn Rayyan murder: Vital for cops to gather reliable evidence, rushing will lead to nowhere – Criminologists

20 Dec 2023 01:57pm
Zayn Rayyan. FILE PIX
Zayn Rayyan. FILE PIX

SHAH ALAM - Investigations into cases like Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin's involve a complex and meticulous process which will require time, said an expert.

Management and Science University (MSU) forensic criminologist Nadiah Syariani Md Shariff said that it was not just about swift action but required precision and thoroughness.

"The immense public and media attention places added pressure on authorities to ensure every step is meticulous, avoiding any rushed conclusions that could lead to inaccuracies or the oversight of crucial details.

"The authorities' focus remains on gathering reliable evidence to ensure a robust case that can withstand scrutiny in court," Nadiah told Sinar Daily.

However, these investigations aimed to establish a comprehensive picture of the incident, ensuring justice ultimately prevails.

Meanwhile, criminologist Shankar Durairaja said that the challenges faced by the police in Zayn Rayyan's case, including the absence of substantial evidence or immediate leads, present difficulties to making an arrest swiftly.

"Active efforts by the police include collecting statements, examining forensic evidence and exploring potential connections, including those among the victim's acquaintances, to identify a suspect.

"The absence of immediate leads might prolong the investigation, although the reclassification of the case to murder signifies a more intensive investigative approach," Shankar said.

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He said such investigations could take time, especially when critical evidence was scarce.

Statements from neighbours, school authorities and the victim's acquaintances could offer essential insights, but the case's resolution hinges on the reliability of the information, Shankar continued.

"Additionally, solving the case depends on factors like the authorities' expertise, resources, and any unforeseen developments during the investigation."

Hence, the case, initially a sudden death, had been reclassified as murder after forensic evidence revealed injuries to the victim.

Police are exploring multiple angles, including the possibility of more than one suspect and if the victim had any connection to them.

Zayn Rayyan was reported missing before his body was found near his residence after over 30 hours of searching.

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