Pas open to collaborating with KRPPM-IGAR for institutional reform

Pas Deputy President prioritises three demands for reform agenda

07 Mar 2024 01:09pm
Tuan Ibrahim holding a meeting with the KRPPM-IGAR Secretariat at the Parliament building on Wednesday.
Tuan Ibrahim holding a meeting with the KRPPM-IGAR Secretariat at the Parliament building on Wednesday.

KUALA LUMPUR - Pas is open to collaborating with the Cross-Party Parliamentary Group of Malaysia (KRPPM) - Integrity, Governance, and Anti-Corruption (IGAR) to advance the reform agenda within institutions.

Deputy President Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said that the party always embraces the efforts of any group aiming to benefit the people and the nation.

He stressed that Pas supports the group's endeavours to improve the country.

"Pas welcomes any party striving to uphold these noble values.

"This aligns with Islamic principles of 'mahmudah', which signify commendable traits that deserve support," he told Sinar yesterday.

Earlier, he received a courtesy visit from the group at the Parliament building.

Also in present were the KRPPM-IGAR Secretariat, including Yayasan Sinar Untuk Malaysia's (#RasuahBusters) Chief Executive Officer Nurhayati Nordin; Centre Against Corruption and Cronyism (C4) Founder Cynthia Gabriel; Chief Executive Officer (Ideas) Dr Tricia Yeoh; Auditor Shah Hakim Zain; lawyer Christopher Leong; constitutional expert Maha Balakrishnan, and others.

KRPPM-IGAR presented eight demands for institutional reform, including amendments to the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010; Enacting the Procurement Act; Parliamentary Reform; Separation of Powers between the Attorney-General and the Public Prosecutor; Drafting of the Political Funding Act; Full Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023 (NACP); MACC Reform, and Amendment to the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) Act.

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On the eight demands, Tuan Ibrahim suggested focusing on three initially.

"I propose we prioritise three demands first: amending the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010; Parliamentary Reform, and drafting the Political Funding Act," he recommended.

Previously, KRPPM-IGAR Chairman Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh noted that the demands put forth by the group concerning institutional reform have progressed into a new phase, displaying positive indications for implementation.

Syed Ibrahim mentioned that the group's demand for the separation of powers between the Attorney General and the Public Prosecutor, for instance, has garnered the attention of the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Legal and Institutional Reform), Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, who is currently finalising details before implementation.

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