Provide EAP to safeguard workers from mental health struggles - Lee Lam Thye
Ignoring mental and psychosocial health factors in the workplace not only harms employees but also affects the efficiency, effectiveness and outcome of a company.

SHAH ALAM - The employee assistance programme (EAP) needs to be provided to help employees facing mental health issues like stress, depression, or other challenges that could impact their work performance.
Alliance of Safety Community (Ikatan) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said it was among the decisions that could be made to treat mental patients in the country.
"Other than that, accommodation for workers requiring medical attention should be provided more efficiently. This includes improving insurance coverage, as currently, it doesn't cover many of them and granting tax exemptions to parents and relatives who care for these workers.
"Private companies could be given tax exemptions or other incentives to encourage the hiring of recovered mental health patients and to enhance healthcare services in all government hospitals, including making medical costs more affordable.
"Eliminating all kinds of discrimination towards recovered mental health patients is essential for their successful reintegration into the community like how we see recovered drug addicts go back to the community," he said in a statement, yesterday.
Meanwhile, Lee said mental health problems should be addressed immediately so that issues such as stress, anger, violence, depression and suicide could be prevented.
"Ignoring mental and psychosocial health factors in the workplace not only harms employees but also directly affects the efficiency, effectiveness and outcome of a company.
"Where there are cases of workers suffering from mental illness, employers should provide assistance and counseling.
"The performance of workers, frequency of illness, absenteeism, accidents and turnover will be among the factors affected according to the mental health condition of the employees," he said.
He added that mental health issues in the workplace should be given attention to because worker productivity depended on their mental health level.
"No country or individual is exempted from mental disturbances and their effects on psychological, social conditions and economic impact are also high.
"Promotion of mental health is the responsibility of the government, employers, society and also family units.
"Much more can be done for mental patients in this country besides providing treatment, counseling and care, such as in the form of assistance from close family members and other types of facilities," he said.
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