Confirm Johor MB's support through vote of confidence, urges Bersih

Onn Hafiz Ghazi was appointed as the Johor MB two days ago.

SHAH ALAM - Electoral watchdog Bersih has urged the new Johor Menteri Besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi to call for a vote of confidence to prevent political instability after he was appointed into the top position.

In a statement, it said Onn Hafiz needs to table a vote of confidence to prove he has the support of the majority of state assemblypersons.

"It is vital," it said.

"(Or) it may create (political) instability in Johor if the current system is not reformed to allow the state assemblymen to confirm their support," it said in a statement.

This comes after Johor MB Datuk Seri Hasni Mohamad was sidelined from the top seat despite being the nominee throughout the campaign trail. 38 BN assemblymen are also said to have signed Statutory Declarations (SD) to support Hasni as MB.

Due to that, Bersih said the state government needs to amend the Johor State Constitution and Standing Order to allow a "Confirmatory Vote of Confidence" to confirm the appointment of any new MB after an election or during a midterm, to reduce the possibility of midterm change of governments.

"The amendments will ensure the MB cannot be ousted unless the vote of no confidence contains the name of his successor, approved by a simple majority.

"No snap elections will be required if MBs can be replaced by such a method," it added.

Johor has just concluded its state's election on March 12. BN cemented its two-third victory after winning 40 out of the total 56 seats.