POLITICALLY FRANK: Umno still hasn't found itself, says party veteran

19 Oct 2022 09:00am
Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar with his wife Sharifah Aziah Syed Zainal Abidin during Sinar Daily's latest episode of Politically Frank.
Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar with his wife Sharifah Aziah Syed Zainal Abidin during Sinar Daily's latest episode of Politically Frank.

SHAH ALAM - Veteran politician Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said Umno is still finding itself despite having the best political structure and platform.

The former law, defence, foreign and home minister said there is political fatigue due to the country’s political instability and Umno needs to look at ways to boost itself.

“People are looking at how Umno could improve on its integrity, governance and to curb corruption, so that people will say that Umno is a changed party.

“Umno may be given the power but then the public has developed apathy towards politics and people are fed up with politics,” he said this during Sinar Daily's Politically Frank.

The rakyat, he said want leaders who care about them.

Syed Hamid who left Bersatu in 2018 said he joined the party as there was no way to save Umno. This comes as former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was embrolied in 1Malaysia Development Berhad's (1MDB) case.

“Actually at that time in 2018, I thought Umno was not salvageable.

“Umno is full of scandals and there were issues of corruption and governance. I was not happy with that.

“After the government was formed, I was asked to join Bersatu and I did because I thought Bersatu could play a role in the vacuum created by Umno,” he said.

However, he felt like there was nothing more for him to do after organising Bersatu's first election and left the party in February this year.

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