Malaysia My Second Home programme to make a comeback for Americans - Nazri

08 Mar 2023 10:15pm
Nazri during an interview with Sinar Daily at Rumah Malaysia on March 7, 2023. (Photo by TASNIM LOKMAN)
Nazri during an interview with Sinar Daily at Rumah Malaysia on March 7, 2023. (Photo by TASNIM LOKMAN)

WASHINGTON, US - Malaysian Ambassador to the United States Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz plans to revitalise the Malaysia My Second Home programme specifically between Malaysia and the United States.

He said prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Malaysia was actually the fourth country of choice for the Americans to retire in after Mexico, Panama and Ecuador.

He highlighted how Malaysia was still a top choice despite being located on the other side of the world.

“The first three countries are South American countries and it’s obvious they are accessible to the Americans, but Malaysia, we are on the other side of this country and yet we are number four.

“It speaks volumes about our hospitality, about Malaysia being a good place for Americans to retire,” he told Sinar Daily in an exclusive interview on Wednesday (Tuesday in US).

Nazri said when Covid-19 happened in 2020, Malaysia’s My Second Home programme visa processing was handed over to the Immigration Department.

“A lot of conflicts occurred with the participants, those who came left because they were more strict.

“But now under the unity government and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s leadership, I think they are going to return the visa application for Malaysia to the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry.

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“This will be good as they will not be looking at the person as a security threat,” he said.

The programme, he said, would help stimulate the local economy and promote the country as a major destination.

According to the Malaysia My Second Home programme, there has been some major changes including visa application that had been suspended during the pandemic.

It quoted the Home Ministry that they wanted to attract “quality” applicants and felt that the best way to do it was to significantly raise the entry requirements.

Nazri also spoke about Malaysia’s tourism’s do’s and don’ts including the issue of wearing bikinis at tourists beaches and islands here.