RM50 squid: Eatery clarifies cost considerations behind high price

KOTA KINABALU - Following a viral social media post about a RM50 sweet squid dish, the restaurant owner has responded to clarify pricing and costs.
Through Noeylz Hashim’s Facebook, he detailed the restaurant's pricing strategy, noting sweet squid prices range from RM20 to RM100, influenced by size and special order availability.
"The high price of large-sized sweet squid due to the stock of large-sized sweet squid can only be obtained by special order.
"The price of raw sweet squid is around RM38 and above for one kilogramme.
"The quantity of squid for one kilogramme is only around two to three pieces.
"The stated price does not include other cooking ingredients," he explained in a post on Facebook.
He said other expenses should also be considered, including shop rent, employee wages and others.
"The party that stated that we do not display prices is pure slander," he said.
Customers, he added, have a variety of side dishes to choose from, ensuring affordability.
He also thanked the customers who have supported the restaurant, which has been operating for more than 30 years with the same side dishes.
"We humbly apologise if anyone is not satisfied with the price of our food, which we cannot avoid due to the increasing cost of raw materials," he said.
Sinar reported a customer’s shock at a RM50 squid charge in a Kota Kinabalu eatery, sharing a meal receipt totaling RM75, sparking diverse online reactions.
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