Celebrate the spirit of Ramadan with The Light Hotel Penang's Semarak Nusantara buffet

From traditional Malay kuih to indulgent cakes, pastries, and fresh fruit platters, there's a delightful option to satisfy every craving and conclude your dining experience on a sweet note.

13 Mar 2024 01:07pm
On top of the seafood feast, they have yummy local and international dishes to fill your plate. Think somtam and a bunch of other delicious sides. Come hungry! - Photo taken from The Light Hotel Penang
On top of the seafood feast, they have yummy local and international dishes to fill your plate. Think somtam and a bunch of other delicious sides. Come hungry! - Photo taken from The Light Hotel Penang

The Light Hotel Penang has kicked off its Semarak Nusantara Ramadan Buffet.

Guests are invited to indulge in a culinary odyssey filled with traditional flavors, delectable treats, and heartfelt hospitality.

The Light Hotel Penang general manager, Raj said beyond the delectable culinary offerings, guests can immerse themselves in the inviting ambiance of their beautifully adorned dining space.

"We are thrilled to offer guests a tantalising experience of our Ramadan Buffet at a special early bird rate at only RM123+ per person for a limited time only.

There are also vouchers who are only available for a limited time only, subject to availability," said Raj.

This buffet enriched with traditional decorations and attentive service; as it embodies the essence of Ramadan.

Treat yourself to a variety of appetisers, including invigorating salads, savory soups, and delightful starters that pave the way for an exciting gastronomic journey.

Calling all seafood fans! This place is your paradise. Dive into their amazing selection, from all sorts of fish to clams, crabs, and everything in between. - Photo taken from The Light Hotel Penang
Calling all seafood fans! This place is your paradise. Dive into their amazing selection, from all sorts of fish to clams, crabs, and everything in between. - Photo taken from The Light Hotel Penang

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This buffet also lets you immerse yourself in a rich feast of Malaysian cuisine, featuring authentic dishes like Rendang, Ayam Masak Merah, and Nasi Briyani. Each dish is meticulously crafted using the finest ingredients and traditional recipes.

For those craving international fare, this buffet showcases an impressive selection of continental dishes, including succulent roast meats, fresh seafood, and tantalising pasta creations for a truly satisfying dining experience.

Do not forget to go delve on a culinary journey through the live cooking stations, where skilled chefs demonstrate their culinary expertise by preparing made-to-order specialties right in front of you.

They've also got a salad bar overflowing with fresh options, plus tons of dressings to mix and match. Don't miss out! - Photo taken from The Light Hotel Penang
They've also got a salad bar overflowing with fresh options, plus tons of dressings to mix and match. Don't miss out! - Photo taken from The Light Hotel Penang

No meal is truly finished without a sweet ending, and their dessert spread is sure to please even the most selective sweet tooth.

From traditional Malay kuih to indulgent cakes, pastries, and fresh fruit platters, there's a delightful option to satisfy every craving and conclude your dining experience on a sweet note.