Harimau Malaya's performance does not warrant fan violence - Analyst

Recent attacks on Malaysian footballers Akhyar Rashid, Faisal Halim, and senior player Safiq Rahim have shaken the sports community.

10 May 2024 02:11pm
Following recent attacks on Harimau Malaya players Akhyar Rashid, Faisal Halim (photo) and former Harimau Malaya captain Safiq Rahim, a sports analyst has noted that Harimau Malaya's performance does not warrant fan violence. - File photo
Following recent attacks on Harimau Malaya players Akhyar Rashid, Faisal Halim (photo) and former Harimau Malaya captain Safiq Rahim, a sports analyst has noted that Harimau Malaya's performance does not warrant fan violence. - File photo

SHAH ALAM - Recent attacks on Malaysian footballers Akhyar Rashid, Faisal Halim, and senior player Safiq Rahim have shaken the sports community.

These incidents raise serious concerns about player safety, both on and off the field.

Authorities Urged for Action

Seasoned journalist Graig Nunis emphasised the need for a swift investigation.

He highlighted the psychological impact on the players and suggested measures like increased security at training grounds and during matches.

“Could there be another motive behind the attacks? Harimau Malaya's performance does not warrant fan violence.

"Resolving the investigation immediately will help put the players at ease sooner.

“The Terengganu police have clarified that the cases are unrelated. Hopefully the authorities can provide detailed updates to prevent unnecessary speculation or rumours, and we should refrain from speculating until all facts are known.

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“The police indicated that Akhyar's case was a robbery, while the motive behind the acid attack on Faisal remains unclear.

"There is no immediate need for our footballers to be concerned at this time,” he told Sinar Daily when contacted.

Graig also said that both Akhyar and Faisal require the assistance of a psychologist in order to talk to someone about their traumatic experiences.

“It is not something you can get over easily. In Faisal's case, it is possible that he will not be able to play football again.

"We are still waiting for additional updates.

“Outside of match days, it falls on individual clubs to arrange security around their training grounds, though it is unrealistic to expect them to provide 24-hour shadowing for players.

"On match days, increased police or Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) presence should be on standby, not solely for players' safety but also for fans' well-being.

“Consider the case of a KL City fan allegedly assaulted in Johor Bahru nearly a year ago; what became of that incident?” he said.

Graig also mentioned that until these attacks are definitively linked to football, there is little more to discuss.

“We reiterate the need for the relevant authorities to share more information.

"Only then can we understand the motives behind these incidents. Speculation is fruitless, as everyone will have their own theories,” he added.

Player Safety a Priority

Echoing Graig’s views, sportswriter Arnaz M. Khairul said that the motives behind these attacks remain uncertain.

“Faisal's case is particularly severe, as it has caused serious harm that could potentially end his career, whereas Akhyar's incident appears to be related to robbery.

“Footballers, despite being public figures, should also be entitled to lead ordinary lives like everyone else.

"However, this raises security concerns, especially in light of the current climate where radical fan groups or external elements may be escalating rivalries to dangerous levels.

“This highlights the importance of law enforcement taking decisive action to address these radical fans and external elements potentially involved in such incidents,” he stressed.

Arnaz also stated that while public perception of football holds importance, it should focus on the professional responsibilities of authorities and football administrators.

“Footballers, like anyone else striving for a normal life, deserve adequate protection. They should receive the same protection as anyone else if their security is at risk.

“The players are professionals representing their clubs and the national body, which should have adequate support mechanisms in place.

"It is important for the public to have trust in these systems and support them accordingly,” he added.

Possible Conspiracy Theorised

Meanwhile, academician Afi Rozhesry noted that although he prefers not to speculate or develop theories, based on his observations and instincts regarding these incidents, he suspects there may be a conspiracy at play, possibly involving individuals with ulterior motives such as bookies or those harbouring envy toward our players.

He also said there could be various reasons behind these incidents, which remain unknown until the police complete their investigation.

“The events have left them mentally and physically traumatised.

"I believe that all local football players are now experiencing fear for their safety, and this extends to their families too, which is detrimental to our player community.

“I believe this incident has affected everyone, even those who were not physically impacted like Safiq, whose car was vandalised recently. The psychological trauma is real and significant.

“Another concern is the safety of their families; if perpetrators can not reach the players, they might target their families.

"It is crucial that we prioritise protecting not only the players but also their families, and authorities must take action to address this issue,” he said.

Afi also pointed out that the FAM must prioritise the safety of Harimau Malaya players.

“Open training sessions for the public should be restricted and players who cannot afford bodyguards should be protected, as the FAM President suggested.

“Perhaps FAM could explore hiring a dedicated team of bodyguards to ensure the safety of all players.

"Authorities, particularly the police, need to increase security measures during live matches.

“The recent incidents involving Akhyar, Faisal and Safiq were not mere coincidences, and proactive measures are necessary to prevent future incidents.

"FAM should collaborate with the Youth and Sports Minister, Hannah Yeoh, to address this pressing issue.

“Personally, I never expected such incidents to occur within our sports industry in our country,” he added.

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