Muslim workers, entrepreneurs in Penang must pay zakat to ZPP

It is haram to transfer zakat out of Penang based on maslahah as it will deny the rights and affect the needs of the asnaf.

29 Dec 2024 07:00pm
Muslim employees who work, as well as traders and entrepreneurs conducting their business in Penang must pay zakat, including business zakat to ZPP at a calculation method set by the body. Inset: Sukki
Muslim employees who work, as well as traders and entrepreneurs conducting their business in Penang must pay zakat, including business zakat to ZPP at a calculation method set by the body. Inset: Sukki

GEORGE TOWN - Muslim employees who work, as well as traders and entrepreneurs conducting their business in Penang must pay zakat, including business zakat to Zakat Pulau Pinang (ZPP) at a calculation method set by the body.

Penang mufti Assoc Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Sukki Othman said the matter was decided by the Penang Fatwa Committee when it convened from Sept 10 to 12.

"Through the committee, zakat payments to amils appointed by the Penang Islamic Religious Council (MAINPP) is mandatory and zakat payments direct to qualified asnaf is valid but the act of bypassing the amil appointed by MAINPP is sinful and in violation of syarak.

"Also, it is haram to transfer zakat out of Penang based on maslahah as it will deny the rights and affect the needs of the asnaf,” he said in a statement recently, adding that it was important to pay zakat where the income was generated as Islam promoted that zakat be distributed to asnaf where incomes are generated to ensure that local asnaf benefited directly from the collected zakat.

Sukki said the decision taken was in line with efforts to ensure that the welfare of asnaf in Penang, especially in the context of the state as a high investment hub and had the potential to collect a substantial sum of zakat.

As such he urged all parties, especially workers and employers in the industrial sector to ensure property, income and business zakat were paid through legal channels under the auspices of MAINPP.

MAINPP would also boost cooperation with related agencies to ensure that the industry sector would encourage and provide awareness to employees and employers about the importance of paying zakat where incomes were generated. - BERNAMA

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